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Q1 10 Presentation

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Norwegian cuts costs – strengthening its competitive position

Today, Norwegian announced financial results for the first quarter, showing a unit cost of NOK 0.40 ex. fuel. This represented a large cost reduction compared to the same period last year. More than 2.7 million passengers chose to travel with Norwegian in the first quarter of 2010, an increase of 28 per cent compared to the same period last year.

Norwegian reducerer omkostninger – styrker konkurrenceevnen

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Norwegian sänker kostnaderna – stärker konkurrenskraften

Norwegian presenterar idag resultatet för årets första kvartal som visar enhetskostnader på 40 norska öre exkl. bränsle. Det är en kraftig reducering av kostnaderna jämfört med samma period 2009. Mer än 2,7 miljoner passagerare valde att flyga med Norwegian under första kvartalet 2010, 28 procent mer jämfört med samma period föregående år.

The Norwegian group is a leading Nordic aviation company, headquartered at Fornebu outside Oslo, Norway. The company has over 8,200 employees and owns two of the prominent airlines in the Nordics: Norwegian Air Shuttle and Widerøe’s Flyveselskap. Widerøe was acquired by Norwegian in 2024, aiming to facilitate seamless air travel across the two airline’s networks.

Norwegian Air Shuttle, the largest Norwegian airline with around 4,700 employees, operates an extensive route network connecting Nordic countries to key European destinations. In 2024, Norwegian carried over 22,6 million passengers and maintained a fleet of 86 Boeing 737-800 and 737 MAX 8 aircraft.

Widerøe’s Flyveselskap, Norway’s oldest airline, is Scandinavia’s largest regional carrier. The airline has more than 3,500 employees. Mainly operating the short-runway airports in rural Norway, Widerøe operates several state contract routes (PSO routes) in addition to its own commercial network. In 2024, the airline had 3.8 million passengers and a fleet of 49 aircraft, including 46 Bombardier Dash 8’s and three Embraer E190-E2's. Widerøe Ground Handling provides ground handling services at 41 Norwegian airports.

The Norwegian group has sustainability as a key priority and has committed to significantly reducing carbon emissions from its operations. Among numerous initiatives, the most noteworthy is the investment in production and use of fossil-free aviation fuel (SAF). Norwegian strives to become the sustainable choice for its passengers, actively contributing to the transformation of the aviation industry.
